UK Dedicated Server Hosting – Onlive Server
Being the one with options is always the best feeling to have. This will give you immense pleasure and happiness. However, at the same time, things may go haywire when you don’t know about it and therefore, you end up choosing the wrong server for your site. Well, every other hosting provider has their own way of distinguishing between hosting services, however, the basic remains the same. One of the hosting services would be UK Dedicated server which brings in additional features giving you the extraordinary requirements needed.

Therefore to clear all your doubts away, here we are to find a way out to make you understand all the possible ways available via which you can understand the different types of hosting services available. The discussion won’t be much difficult as all the basics will be outlay for all of you. However, one should get to know every corner of the room before opting for a particular hosting service. This will not only help him save some money but also make sure the right hosting service is found for the site. With that said, let’s move to the different types of hosting services available.
- Shared Web Hosting – The name says it all. Shared Web Hosting services let one share his server with many websites just like him. This helps one cut down on the cost of maintaining a dedicated server. Well, it sounds a fair deal to many, however, with shared web hosting, one ends up being at the mercy of others. It isn’t bad to be the shark, however, it feels bad when you are the smaller fish who gets eaten by the shark. This quite a few time happens with shared web hosting. A popular site can adversely affect your site performance.
Whatsoever, if you’re a new site or a brochure type site than going for the shared web hosting is not that bad an idea.
- Reseller Web Hosting – Being a web hosting provider required a lot of capital and is, therefore, a big risky investment in itself. The worst part is the new technology which makes it important to throw out the older version and install the newer once. With that said, being new in the field might ruin your chances of capturing the market shares and eventually a big loss of capital. Therefore, reseller web hosting can be your thing. With this, you can resell the hosting services under your brand name and therefore fulfilling the client’s need. Reseller hosting services come in with many free offers and goodies which makes it even more exciting for the person.
- Cloud-Based Web Hosting – Another great feature and technology by humankind is the cloud-based web hosting. Changing your server at every point of the quarter can be a hectic work and would require a good amount of downtime. Being the owner, this isn’t what you want. Cloud-based web hosting, therefore, takes the play and make sure one gets what they want. With the help of cloud-based web hosting, one can easily add to the required amount of hardware whenever he needs it. This gives the benefit of flexibility and security as well.
If you have an exponentially growing site and forecasting the required hardware is difficult than going for Cloud based web hosting is a wise decision.
- Virtual Private Server (VPS) – If you’re annoyed with the problems of Shared Web Hosting but can’t afford the cost of a dedicated server then VPS is your way out. Virtual Private Server is like having a shared web hosting, however, without the fear of being taken down by your annoying web hosting partner. Virtual Private Server secures your rights of being annoyed by other people who you share your server with. This, in turn, makes sure that the cost isn’t as high as required for a dedicated server and as well as takes care of the problem faced with shared web hosting.
- Dedicated Web Server – This is considered to be the highest level of web server one can opt for. When you see your website is going at a phenomenal rate and you don’t want that growth to be interrupted, well, you go for the dedicated web server. With a dedicated web server, you can full access to the hosting server, therefore giving you the flexibility to configure your security needs and website needs as per your choice. Basically, with a dedicated web server, you are renting the physical server from a hosting provider. It is a wise decision to take UK Dedicated Server when most of your traffic is generated from that country. On the other hand, it doesn’t make sense to have UK Dedicated Server when most of your traffic is generated from the US.
- Colocation Web Hosting – This might be a new term for you. Well, here you just rent the space and not the whole hardware. Here, you need to bring in your own hardware and other required tools. When things go haywire, you are the one to take care of it. The hosting provider is only responsible for providing power, cooling, physical security, and internet uplink. This includes a new investment and won’t be a wise decision if you have just started to see good growth in your business.
- Self Service Web Hosting – Similar to what you get in Colocation and Dedicated Web Hosting is self-service web hosting. It isn’t provided by many web hosting site. However, when you opt for the one you get all the required hardware and tools but the management lies in your hand exclusively. The hosting site is responsible only for providing the amenities and nothing else. From technicians to physical security, everything comes under your responsibility.
- WordPress Hosting – With the increasing popularity that WordPress has, hosting sites have come up with WordPress Hosting. Here, the hosting site makes sure that your WordPress is up to date, therefore, making sure that your site sees no security threat in the future.
Well, that’s all one needs to know about web hosting services. However, it is always smart to go for UK Dedicated Server as it gives you additional ideas and scope for your website.